Sunday 25 August 2013

Apple’s iOS Version Code Names Revealed

Google’s Android platform has always had public code names like Honeycomb, Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwhich, but Apple’s iOS code names are often ignored, getting nowhere near the same amount of public attention.
If you’re curious about the codenames Apple has used for their various iOS releases, TiPb points out that developer Steven Troughton-Smith hasrevealed them through Twitter, noting that each version is named after a famous ski resort:
  • 1.0 – Alpine (1.0.0 – 1.0.2: Heavenly)
  • 1.1 – Little Bear (1.1.1: Snowbird, 1.1.2: Oktoberfest)
  • 2.0 – Big Bear
  • 2.1 – Sugarbowl
  • 2.2 – Timberline
  • 3.0 – Kirkwood
  • 3.1 – Northstar
  • 3.2 – Wildcat (iPad only)
  • 4.0 – Apex
  • 4.1 – Baker
  • 4.2 – Jasper (4.2.5 – 4.2.10: Phoenix)
  • 4.3 – Durango
  • 5.0 – Telluride
  • 5.1 – Hoodoo
They’re not quite as nice as the cat names used for OS X, and Apple rarely releases them to the media – should Apple kick it up a notch with their code names, or is this knowledge better as a secret between the nerdiest of Apple nerds?


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